E Pluribus Unum // 36x48" // Acrylic // 2017

As one of his first acts, Trump’s Interior Secretary, Ryan Zinke, has lifted a ban on using lead bullets to hunt on federal wildlife refuges. Obama’s administration originally enacted this ban because of the threat to endangered scavengers and raptors. When a hunter kills an animal with a lead bullet, it shatters inside the animal, leaving lead shot scattered throughout it's flesh and guts. The guts are removed and left in the forest, where wildlife comes along and eats it, along with the lead shot. Lead poisoning slowly freezes the muscles until completely paralyzed. This means that when an eagle consumes enough lead shot, it can't fly or even open it's beak. It becomes unable to fend for itself and eventually dies, frozen in place. This painful and terrifying reality also serves as a metaphor for what the Trump administration is doing to America. In an attempt to save some money (lead bullets are cheaper than their safer alternatives), they're completely overlooking the health and safety implications of their decisions. E Pluribus Unum means Out of Many, One. A decision like this one flies in the face of our country’s motto. Zinke made a decision that was convenient for a small group of constituents, but completely disregards the very real health risks to the animals we have committed to protecting and the wants and needs of all of the Americans who support the Endangered Species Act and environmental protections.