Nexum Natura

Three female artists connect individually to the natural world in this exhibition, Nexum Natura. Through lenses of environmental awareness, sensations of the body and spiritual contemplation, each artist uses imagery borrowed and inspired by the natural world as a principal element in painting. Pain and loss run throughout Nexum Natura, as well as hopeful contemplation. While each is grappling with a very different form of these archetypal feelings, the struggle and exploration are visible in each body of work. Using graphic/figurative abstraction, metaphorical space, and elements of mindfulness, each artist is working towards the experience of restoring balance–to the self, the body, or the world at large.

Please join us to celebrate our group show, Nexum Natura! Because the space is not a traditional gallery, but rather a state of the art lab space, an RSVP is required to get in to the show.


238 Main Street

Cambridge, MA 02142

May 9th


Please message me through my contact form if you would like to RSVP for the show.


Thayer Academy AIR


Peregrine Falcon at the Mercantile Center